UNACCEPTANCE of your own self.
You are wonderfully made, even if you don’t believe that yourself. You have been given the gift of life, enjoy it. You have two hands that obey your orders. You have two eyes that can see. You have legs that will carry you where you want, and they will pass even such tracks where no other vehicle would pass. Just think a little about the privilege of being alive and how wonderfully your body is made, and what a wonderful tool your brain is, and so on. All these things are given to you free of charge! Use them, enjoy them and quit right now all the unacceptance of yourself!
That should be your first step if you haven’t done that yet. So start respecting and loving yourself this very moment.
One of the most misinterpreted terms is forgiveness. People often say, that they can’t forgive this wrong or that. They think they need to retaliate first before they can forgive.
But the truth is that it is you who needs that forgiveness most, not those who have wronged you.
By forgiving all wrongs, you free yourself from the obligation to think about them, and you free yourself from the need to plan a revenge.
But if you did something wrong to somebody, then try, if possible, to compensate that wrong and ask them for forgiveness. They did not forgive you when you asked? That is OK, that is now their business and worry. Your obligation was to ask. If you did that with all the integrity of your heart, then you have done your job. And you don’t have to wait until they forgive and release you. You asked for forgiveness, and that very moment you are free.
You simply can’t take Joy if you cherish any plans for revenge. By having such plans, you are miserable. Drop all your revenge plans right now and start living your own life. Nobody can be happy with revenge thoughts in their heart. Do yourself a favor: free yourself from those thoughts!
There are also a number of other things like bitterness, unreliability, betrayal, and a number of others that can block Joy and Happiness in your life.
Please do your homework. Analyze your soul and weed out all those parasites.
Just do this analysis, ransack what’s inside your mind and free your mind from all the blocking things.
If you free your soul from all the nasty things, then you will be able to work yourself into Joy and cheerful mood.