The Ultimate Source Of Great Health

Before You Go To Doctors

While focusing on traditional ways to get help when we are not well, we might be missing something very basic yet incredibly efficient that we have always available right were we are. I think it is completely against any person’s best interests to visit doctors and take medicine so readily before even asking a question to themselves:


Most health problems – virus predisposition, cardio-vascular issues, neurological issues, you name it – often stem from … our being disconnected.

Living mindfully is a key to healing.

Living mindfully reduces pain when you are in pain.

Living mindfully gives Joy.

A life worth living is a mindful life. Because when you are disconnected, you just miss out on a huge multitude of exciting things, beautiful, pleasurable things in and around you.

When you touch the bark of a tree, and you really feel it, i.e. you concentrate on the very action of touching it and register consciously how it feels, then this works towards healing. The yellowness of dandelions is healing if you make a conscious connection to it and “invite” it in through your eyes.

By the way, as you gradually get used to this approach, your eyesight can improve a lot. You may need weaker and weaker lenses until a day comes that you realize that you don’t need eyeglasses at all anymore. Please, don’t tell oculists that I revealed this secret!

Simple Yet Efficient Exercise

Let me show you a very simple yet very powerful exercise that you can do whenever you feel nervous, strained, anxious: just connect to your breath and feel yourself breathing. Enjoy the process. You can even take a few deeper than usual inhalations. Feel also how you breathe out. Stick to this exercise as long as it gives you pleasant, relieving feel.

Did it work? Sure it did. You don’t even have to wait when you get anxious. You can do it whenever you can remember. You can do it right in a meeting, in your car, before you fall asleep, after you wake up – anywhere, any time.

Conscious Of Being

Then you can “connect” and ask yourself a question – where at this very moment you actually are. No, it is not quite like realizing, well, I’m in Los Angeles or in Beijing at the moment, which is good, too, to practice now and then. But here I mean a core level connection.

Just take a look around – you are in a very strange place, my friend! You are on a ball-shaped planet. Ellipsoid, to be more exact. It is very large – volcanoes, oceans and continents find their place on it. It is big enough to accommodate not only elephants, but even whales. But the same time, it is very small. For an observer at a relatively small distance, it would be even invisible.

So here you live, such a big large human. A huge number of ants can be placed on your palm. You feel very important for yourself, and your problems seem so terribly gigantic.

But think for a while that from that relatively small distance, they can’t even see your planet, let alone yourself with your huge problems! For them, you are not even the size of an ant. For them, you are smaller than a grain of sand, and so are your problems!

Humble, But Proud

The observer at the relatively small distance does not see ants on your planet. But they don’t see you, either. Ants are nothing for them, and you are nothing!

So relax! You are not responsible for making the galaxies spin. You are not even responsible for maintenance of spinning of your own planet!

Your problems seem small not only for the observer light years away, but also for your neighbors and colleagues. They seem huge ONLY for your own self!

Relax! Take a deeper breath, feel it and enjoy it!

But, however small, you are precious and valuable, my friend! You have an extremely sophisticated and well adjusted body. And that body, can you even believe, grew from an invisible cell. In 9 months time, you made it from an invisible cell to a full value human! Who else can do that? How many WOW’s and Likes for that?

Joy In The Journey

What if you try to see your life as a journey from your birth to the Kingdom? A journey with a mission to learn how to be happy and connected, how to find Joy in small things?’

“The one who can find Joy in small things, has a lot of things to find Joy in,” said somebody wise.

Meditation about your planet, ants and you being one of them, is healing. Have you done that yet today?

Feeling your breath is healing, soothing, pleasurable. Have you done yet today?

Connecting and finding Joy in small things is healing. How much of it have you found so far today?

A Strange Yet Even More Powerful Kind Of Joy

This story is not complete without mentioning the strange Joy that can be found only in the middle of the battle. The Joy that you can get from the dandelion yellowness is wonderful, soothing and healing.

But the Joy that dwells in storms and battles is even more powerful. It makes your heart beat, your blood circulate, your mind focus.

Just learn to find that Joy, learn to thrive in the middle of the battle, and, before you even know, you won’t need any sedatives or sleep pills. The strange Joy that dwells in the battle, has the power to give you a wonderful rest on your sofa when you come home in the evening, and a great night sleep, too.

There is Joy in taking challenges, taking up difficult subjects, dealing with difficult people, running difficult flights of stairs (using elevator is just a bad habit – pick stairs whenever possible!). There is Joy in going out to workout even if it rains, storms or hails. There is even greater Joy in helping a stranger to dig out their mud-stuck car or helping your neighbor to channel their pooling water out of their yard.

All you have to do is to learn to find that Joy. And then say Good-Bye to sleep pills!