Using Body’s *Inbuilt* Slimming Potential

There are a few things that I do or rather refuse to do in connection with my meals. I think they have the credit for keeping my weight within the boundaries of normal if “normal” can be at all associated with the characteristics of any person.

Years ago I realized that I was accumulating weight. I was curious what had triggered that.

I knew then very little about the *inbuilt* bodily wisdom. But at a certain point I learned that the human body is much wiser than we usually think.

When it comes to weight control, we should be aware of a function that is responsible for the storage of reserves. When your body feels that it receives some vital substance too scantily, then the storage function gets triggered. If you decide, for example, that you won’t eat cakes, and your body feels that it is not receiving enough from what it should get from those cakes, then it will try to find at least something of that kind in the other things that you eat. If it finds something, then it uses it. And then, if it finds the least possibility to store something, it will store.

The desired weight loss won’t happen. The weight will get accumulated instead.

In an interview with a stomach doctor, he stressed the importance of the diversity in eating. “If you want to add some weight, start a slimming diet,” he said. He meant that, whenever you start restricting yourself on some food, it will sooner or later trigger the storage function, and the outcome will be an exact opposite of the expected.

But if you really want to lose some weight, why not try the approach that takes into account the wisdom of your own body? I say “try”, but I think it is wrong to take and try just anything when it involves health. I see people try this diet or that, but the result is always very similar – some temporary improvement and then problems even greater than before.

That is why I want to take out the word “try” from this context. I have stopped that kind of trying things on myself long since. I have cut all the experiments and tortures on myself. Now I stick very firmly to what is just natural and makes sense. I simply treat my body with love. And it works. It works incredibly well. It works so well that I need no other thing.

It produces for me the results that I have always dreamed of. I don’t have to worry anymore if the results are here to stay, and  how long they will last. Sure, they are to stay. And they will last as long as I continue to treat myself with respect. And be assured, having felt the taste of what just works, I won’t ever get back to any type of hype. Even if the whole army of scientists, diet consultants, doctors and other experts would try to persuade me.

Shall I tell you about my method? Well, I’m not even sure if that can be called a method. I think that is just the natural and reasonable behavior, deviations from which can lead to undesired outcome in one way or the other.

So what I do feels for the most part even like not doing rather than doing.

» I steer clear from any diets and scientific recommendations on “healthy food”. 

» I savor food when I eat it. I try to feel the smell and taste of what I am eating. I try not to swallow before having chewed it properly and enjoyed the food with my lips, teeth, tongue, cheeks.

» I never feel guilty for eating, or for eating some specific things.

» I eat diverse food, including fat and very fat food, cakes, fat meat, anything. If there are things that I specifically dislike, then I don’t eat them. But that always simply because I don’t like them, not because I believe they might make me fat.

» I try to *listen* to my body to find out what kind of food it is longing for. I always try to give that, be it a pickled cucumber or a glass of wine, whatever.

» I refrain from using a straw for drinking, because the whole of my body wants to enjoy the drink, even my lips. If I use a straw, then I rob my lips of the pleasure of participating in the drinking process.

I read somewhere that there are two types of people – the ones can eat all things in large quantities and be slim while the others get fatter even at a sight of food. I don’t think that is quite correct. I think that those first ones are slim BECAUSE they eat all things, and that those others grow fat BECAUSE of the restrictions, of feeling guilty for eating and so on.