The One Worst Health Enemy

If you were to name a single worst enemy of your health, what would you pick? Drugs? Alcohol abuse? Sedentary lifestyle? Junk food? Polluted nature?  They are all enemies, I agree. But will you be surprised to learn that none of them is the worst? And what if the one which is and will always be No. 1, can cause you more harm than all the rest taken together?

The Culprit

All too many people suffer. All too many of us look desperately for health and don’t find because we are caught captives to the invisible Culprit whom we serve without even knowing. It must be Devil’s inspiration, worse than any other deception I can think of.

And that is a deception, indeed. The Culprit keeps us slaves with no other leverage than deception.

That is why it is relatively easy to break free. The real challenge is then to learn to live in freedom and STAY free. The life in freedom is demanding. But it is also highly rewarding. And, for a life lived well, there is no other option. There is no alternative to life in freedom.

In order to break free, we need to know the Culprit, and how the “strings” that hold us really work.

So are you prepared to hear the name?

The Culprit’s name is BEING NORMAL.

Not Normal To Be Normal

You may have heard the word of wisdom that it is not normal to be normal? What is that trying to tell us?

I think it tries to remind that each one of us is born unique, and that we can ruin our life if we try to copy somebody else. Isn’t that Devil’s plan, after all, that we ruin it? And isn’t that a sinister plan to make us all fit into the same mold, the same size “pants”?

If you are normal, you are in trouble. You aim too low and are settled too low. Because you are made to be outstanding. All humans are made outstanding in a particular area, with some particular traits. That’s why it is sick to be normal. It is normal to be outstanding.

Be Personality, Not Just Person

I hope you can follow what I am trying to say. It looks like a contradiction, a paradox if you like. But the idea is, actually, very simple. You may have heard the same idea expressed like “be yourself”, “aim the impossible” and other things that we may have heard, but not contemplated any deeper about their real meaning.

To cut the long story short, “be yourself” means finding your real self, your unique self, your integrity. Become a personality. You already are, you just need to live it.

Happy, Healthy Idiots

But be prepared, strong personalities are, as a rule, seen as fools or idiots by those who are just mediocrity, who are just, well, persons. Receive it as a compliment, as a sign of great appreciation from above if in the eyes of an average person you are an idiot.

The idea about fools or idiots who recover quickly and never stay long in hospital is elaborated in great detail by professor Mirzakarim Norbekov in his book The experience of a fool: who had an epiphany about how to get rid of his glasses. In this book, the author calls himself a fool and shares highly efficient and easily applicable advice.

Idiots are seldom sick. Idiots live their life and savor it. Idiots are the brave people who dare to be what they really are. And it is only idiots whom the humanity remembers through centuries. Luther, Lincoln, Walt Disney, Churchill – all were considered idiots by clever, intelligent (meaning – sick) people.

Being normal is sick. Being normal is a fierce enemy of your health and well-being. If you want good health that lasts, if you want to feel joy and satisfaction for being alive, for what you do, then be yourself. In other words, live your life to its fullest and don’t worry the least about the opinions of those who always know best. And don’t worry the least that in the eyes of sick people, the “clever” ones, you will be an idiot.

Clever people, intelligent people, normal people, they all want good health. But idiots have it already.

If you too want good health then find something for what you need it. Find something exciting, breathtaking, something you want to do and can do without reason, other than the doing itself. Dream and give your whole self to that dream. Feel your heart beat, feel your breath rate increase, feel the joy of doing. Feel in love with something. Feel in love with somebody.

Live the life, and good health will be given to you. Be a fool, be an idiot, but a happy and healthy one!

Never be normal. Never put up with being just normal. Being normal is sick.

Be yourself instead. Be outstanding. You are made outstanding, just live it!