Muscle Of Happiness

Did you know that we all have a “muscle” of happiness that needs exercise and training like all the other muscles in our body? It’s existence is now scientifically proved!

This advice will be efficient only if you don’t nourish any kind of joy killers in your head.

On a lecture of a professor of medicine, I learned about a curious research with two large groups of people. One of the groups consisted of long term ill persons, the other – of those healthy and wholesome.

All of them were exposed to exactly the same negative stimulus and tested with a device that registers the region in the brain that gets activated by that stimulus.

It proved that the stimulus activated the same brain region in the group of the long term ill, but in the healthy group, that was a different region!

Hey, doesn’t that prove the existence of the “muscle” of happiness? Now we have the age old obvious truth proved scientifically! Will there be more followers now? I expect not. But it feels good nevertheless, doesn’t it? For me, that is a very encouraging discovery. It supports the approach that I have had for years. Without even knowing the opinion of the science, I have been on the right track!

Long since I had noticed that, the more you pay attention, the more you notice things that give you joy. The more you notice them, the more you feel joy. The more you feel joy, the better you feel all in all. The better you feel all in all, the sooner your health improves. The better you feel healthwise, the more likely you will be to notice and pay attention to the things that give you joy.

Now I hear the professor speak about the same thing. He presents it as a latest discovery of science!

True, true, we should always bear in mind that no scientist ever discovers anything new. They can only find things that have existed long since, and that we may not have known of so far.

But in those epic moments when I hear that scientists have discovered or found proof to what I have long since known through – well – just using my “inbuilt” capability of sound reasoning – in those epic moments I feel like being a true genius. Though in fact I am not. I am not even as smart as most people are.

It is only to say that, if a person like me is able to come to “discoveries” like this by going my own independent way and using only my own ability of unbiased reasoning, then anyone can do the same! Anyone, including you, my dear reader, can use their natural “inbuilt” capability of thinking freely and independently.

Free and independent thinking can reveal for us a lot of well kept secrets about our life. You can know them and put to use right here and now. The scientists may discover them later. It may take a decade or a centennial, you never know. But you need them now, don’t you?

So, if you haven’t been using your “muscle” of happiness, you can start this very minute! The benefits will only grow as you keep using it. You will feel much better in this life, and chances are that your pet illnesses, no matter how long existed, will start gradually releasing you. Joy is a powerful medicine!

Feel free to try! Now this “method” has even been confirmed scientifically!