Health Hacks: How To Unblock Nose Without Drops Or Sprays

I nearly can’t believe now that I was once dependent on nose drops and sprays. It is so tormenting to have your nose blocked. And my nose was blocked most of the time. Without nose drops, I was unable to sleep, unable to work. So nightmarish that was.

I was looking desperately for a method to improve my overall health, because I felt so old and so weak. I was only in my late twenties.

I tried many things like regular exercise, healthy eating, vitamins and what not. Nothing, nothing, nothing solved the problem. Yes, I was able to feel somewhat better when I did my workouts. Also the food played some role, I would guess. But I still felt very weak. I had frequent headaches. Those who know me say that I take everything too emotionally.

At times it felt like the end of my life was very close. I simply did not have energy for living on. Every morning was a torture. Work often put me in a strain and gave me strong headache.

But then, guess what! I found a “button” to push, and that marked the critical turning point in my life! It felt indeed like pushing a button, it felt like I had turned on my good health, my energy, my joy of living, everything! About that button you can read here » » »

Together with my great health, also the need for the nose drops reduced. But then I got completely rid of them. I learned a simple trick that I always perform in those rare occasions when my nose gets blocked, and that happens indeed very rare now.

So this is what I actually do. 

Only please try this at your own risk even though I can’t see what risks this simple exercise can involve. It works excellently both for me and my children. We are all liberated from nose drops. To tell the whole truth, one of my boys still uses some drops in very rare occasions. But me and the other boy, we have been completely free for many years.

Before anything else, I just focus my thoughts on the blocked area inside my nose. I try to feel it. I try in a way to think with a portion of kindness about it.

While doing so, I feel a substance being released from the soft palate to my throat. I never overthink it, I just let it happen. I allow it to flow freely down my throat. More often than not, it is enough with just that.

But in order to support this mental activity with something physical, I do also the following:

With the base of my tongue, I find the soft palate in my mouth. While breathing through nose is locked, I try to press the base of the tongue against the soft palate, rub it to the degree possible while creating some suction so to get out the liquid from the sponge-like soft palate. That liquid (let’s not think deep what that actually is) falls in my throat, and I swallow it. 

When I play like that for a minute or two, my nose gets unblocked regardless how hard it was blocked. And, unlike when using drops, it does not get blocked so soon again.

If you succeed in unblocking your nose, be sure you remember to use this exercise now and then during the day, even if you don’t feel the symptoms. Chances are that you will never again need medicine for this purpose.

It can be somewhat difficult physically in the beginning. But it gets easier when you learn and practice a little.

I have also met a few persons for whom this doesn’t work. But for most, it works.