Mental chains that may be keeping you from living your full value life

Imagine an area where tide waters are expected to come soon and bury everything. With how many chains would you choose to be attached there? One chain that you can’t break is enough to keep you there. Is it important then whether there are five or twenty chains holding you when even one is enough?

For most people, the answer would be easy – zero is the only acceptable option. Only when you stand free, only when there are no chains holding you, you can leave the area whenever you want.

Sadly enough, every single day I meet people who are attached by mental “chains” in a mental area that is not suitable for living. Sure, they don’t die. But they are not living, either.

The chains are not locked. Any time they can just release the grip, drop them and go to their full value life where there is love, pleasure, exciting things. But they won’t.

Tragically enough, they see their chains as a value. And that’s because they have been brainwashed by the world. They may have been raised by parents who are themselves brainwashed. Schools, media, religions may have had their impact on the minds of those people.

They have been trained to believe in lie. Some of them just can’t see. Some of them don’t dare to stand up against it. Sometimes it’s tempting to believe that the lie is truth because of the numbers of followers. Yet no lie ever becomes less lie or more truth only because there are many followers. Lie is always just lie.

Those chains have their names. There are a lot. Some examples would be “grudge”, “unforgiving”, “owning”, “jealousy”, “greed”, “hate”, “low self-esteem”, “low confidence”, “revenge” and many more.

Just use your ability to think critically, to think for yourself. These chains are not to be treasured. Any one of them is only harm. Failure to drop them is self-harassment.

Drop them all today and walk into the life that is yours by your birthright.