Down With All Willpower! I Need To Move!

If you want to become highly motivated for running and other types of workout, the first favor you need to do to yourself is dropping all the willpower, all the pushing, all the ill treatment of yourself. Let me explain.   Continue reading …

How To Fall In Lasting Love With Workout

You will certainly have heard of the benefits of exercise and workout. There are a lot. They stabilize your heart rate, give you a better sleep, assist you in your slimming effort, and so on, and then much more…

But that about the benefits of exercise is, actually, only half true. It is like putting the cart before the horse, like building a second floor without having yet built the foundation.   Continue reading …

Keeping Up Constant State Of Amazement

Reality Inspired Joy

I learn. I’m in the process. I’m learning, and that might be the most important skill for us humans while we live. I want to teach myself to be in a constant state of amazement. Whenever I remember to enter the state of amazement, I feel joy flowing all through my body. That is a soothing, comforting, healing joy. I need no drugs, I need no pills, I need no positive thinking. Just plain and simple connection to the reality, a mindful connection, keeps me amazed – always, when I only remember to connect!   Continue reading …