Medical check-up. But your homework?

Medical check-up is good as a preventive measure. But have you done your homework before you go?

I heard a man say: “My friend was very particular about his health. He did regular check-ups. Only he died…”

So, is check-up a promise that you won’t ever fall ill? Or do you think you won’t die?

“All people will die. But not all are living.” – a popular wisdom quote.

Well, maybe you should drop smoking before you go to visit doctors, I don’t know.

But there are things that are much much much more important to do.

Is your heart a JOYFUL HEART?

There is no use to do check-ups, any of them, if you starve yourself on joy! They are absolutely useless.

Joy is healing. Joy is the one absolutely undeniable prerequisite of good health and recovery from any illness.

The question whether you live with joy or not, is of the same weight like Heaven or hell.

Don’t ever visit doctors while you starve yourself on joy. The doctors may recommend you only something temporary. But they can not do what you are supposed to do yourself!

Joy is crucial.

If you have learned to find and keep in your heart that strange Joy that exists despite all the external conditions, that lifts you up, that gives meaning to your life and makes it really enjoyable, if you keep that Joy, every doctor’s advice will be helpful, and every pill will be helpful, too.

On the other hand, if you keep that Joy in your heart, it is very likely that you will not need any doctor, and you will not need any pill at all!

It is very likely that your health will start its way up, it will gradually improve, it will become stronger than ever.

You have noticed those people who never get sick even when everyone around catches viruses? Have you ever wondered what their secret is? Well, I am not a scientist, but I possess a certain skill of observation. And I find that that is the Strange Joy that dwells inside that makes the whole difference.