Book: Egil Nelius. Great Health By Decision

Book: Great Health By Decision
Available both as e-book and paperback on Amazon

How to get back your full value life when you have been sick and depressed for too long, and no doctor, no medicine, no treatment seem to be doing any good? What if you have multiple health problems, all going from bad to worse? Should you accept that as an end, or could there still be some escape, however narrow?

For me, there was an escape. It was much easier and much more straight forward than I ever dared to imagine. It gave me back everything – my joy, my ability to love and be useful, my strength, and, on top of that, also great and stable health that has lasted now for more than ten years.

Integrity is the main keyword here. Integrity is more than just honesty. Integrity is being your true self in all situations, even when nobody sees you except your own self. Integrity is unconditional acceptance of yourself, courage to do good to the World and people around you. Integrity is an attitude of Love towards each and everybody, but first and foremost towards your own self. And Integrity can always be claimed back and restored, no matter what you have done and how hard you have “sinned” against it.

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My book Great Health By Decision is an attempt to explain in as great detail as possible how the change of certain habits and attitudes paved my way to the quality of life that I have now. My life is exciting and highly enjoyable. I feel happy and grateful for being alive. I didn’t believe I ever would.

I feel also that I am now much more accepted by other people. It is much easier for me to have some business or conversation with them. I have now more friends than ever. I think that is because they have stopped seeing me as a bore or a burden. And I am not anymore, indeed.

But my first step required a lot of courage and determination. It was more horrifying than taking up a difficult subject with your boss. Because it was inviting my own self to an open and honest conversation where there must not be excuses, hiding up of issues, incomplete statements or taboo subjects. A true man to man conversation it must be.

And in that conversation, it turned out that, while I was actively seeking doctor’s advice, signing up for therapies and treatments, I continued working against my own recovery with my sick thinking patterns and attitudes.

Can you imagine washing your car while in mud? Will that washing be efficient? Will it take long before you realize that the washing is much more efficient if you put yourself and your car in a clean place first?

And that is exactly what I was doing to my health for many years. I was trying to quench the pain, to treat each symptom separately. But at the same time, I kept maintaining my most unhealthy habits that blocked all the healing.

Now, how could I expect any improvement if I was standing, the whole of me, in mud – the mud of guilt, the mud of failing to forgive both myself and the others, the mud of failing to let past wrongs go?

I pulled myself together and changed that. And I won’t ever return to my old condition, not even for ten billion dollars.

In this book, I share with you my own experience, my doubts, my journey, my conclusions. I show you how I restored my integrity and am now one whole person in one body. I share what works for me.

You will certainly have to find your own way, but my experience may come in handy, so you don’t have to invent a wheel.

Only don’t take anything as an established truth. Put everything through your own filter of reality before you start using.

The book will not be helpful and may even be found offensive or lacking morals by

– those who have certain habits that they are not prepared to give up for the purpose of greater good,

– those for whom their health issues is their pet subject,

– those who believe in magical powers of doctors and modern medicine,

– grudge holders,

– justice seekers,

– those who hate sex, find it offensive or view it as sin,

– those who view their religion as an ultimate truth,

– those who are controlled by what others think or say,

– those who do not want to learn, or who think that learning at a certain age gets humiliating.

– those who lack freedom of taking decisions of their own.

The book is for people of action, those who are determined to claim back their joy, happiness and good health right in the middle of an imperfect world, and need only some small encouragement, a success story.

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