The Magical Power Of Doing Things Without Reason

Doing As The Reason In Itself

A powerful therapy, I think the most efficient from those that I have ever tested or even heard of, and that has worked wonders on me is – finding some things for doing without any particular reason, simply for nothing. You don’t earn money, you don’t promote your business or your own self, you don’t bribe anyone, you don’t do it for health or self-improvement.

It needs to be just a thing or a few that you do – simply for the sake of doing. You do it because you like the very doing, you enjoy the process. That way, the doing itself becomes the reason for doing.

So for example, the absorbing book by Christopher McDougall BORN TO RUN shows us explicitly how superathletes from a highland tribe show incredible capabilities of running large distances at unthinkable speed. They have no other reason for running than the running itself. They get Joy out of it, and they value that Joy so much that they never quit. And they are all healthy and living long in their harsh habitat.

How often do we hear: “What’s the point with doing this or doing that?” This popular and widespread question made me think of a universal reason – what is actually the point with – anything?

Yes, then what is the reason for living the life altogether? Does anyone have answer? Is it at all thinkable to ever get it answered?

What A Fish Can Know About The Aquarium

Now look, if we don’t have a definite answer for the deep level, then there is no point discussing this question on higher levels. You can build a house as strong as you want, but if you put in on a quick sand, there is little hope that it will survive. Similarly, you can develop a wonderful theory that is scientific and support it with all kinds of proof. But if it is built on false premises, then it is not useful.

A classic example would be e.g. Darvin’s evolution theory. All the pieces of “the puzzle” stand very precisely in their places. Only it neglects the fact that the human observers observe the system being themselves part of it. Nobody can tell how a system (evolution) works if they don’t have a chance to take a look from a detached position.

A fish, even if it had the brain of Einstein, would not be able to find out how aquarium is built. Because it lives inside it.

That is why I have decided not to care about irresponsible statements, however proved and scientific they might be. If you, e.g. tell me: “See that mountain over there? Fifty million years back, there was a lake!” I would ask if you would take me on a trip in time to fifty million years distant past and show me what it actually looked like.

And what can that fish know about the reason why that aquarium exists and why the fish itself exists?

But being “fish” we can know a lot about the things that the “aquarium” has to offer, and how to put them to use and enjoy them while we live. And that is now exactly the approach I now live with.

The Magic

I don’t know for what reason I am put here to live in this World. But I go with the assumption that the Creator of all things has put me here very much for the same reason why we keep fish in aquariums. We simply find joy in watching them. What would the reason be from the point of the fish, I don’t know. They hardly ever think about that ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

What I can know is this: what I do simply “for nothing”, “without a good reason”, “just for joy” or just because I like the doing itself, those things give me joy and confidence. They help me to feel much, much, much happier in this life. And in the final score, my health has improved to a degree where I nearly start feeling guilty for being so well when so many people around me have their health problems!

The Secret Power Of Being Myself

What is my secret? There is no secret, really.

There is only one important decision that I took – and that is to be myself.

Connected To Real Time And Space

It means that I now connect to the real time and space and teach myself to see miracles that are right here all around me. And there are not millions or billions! There is an infinity of miracles right here, right under my feet.

Well, would you calm down a little and pay attention to a simple blade of grass? Is that not a miracle? What about a butterfly? What about an acorn?

Do you often think about the terrific code that dwells inside an acorn? That code is capable of triggering the growth of an oak tree! It will create the bark and leaves, it will build every new cell, it will build the vascular system. Every year, it will hang extremely complex leaves on the branches, and they will be new for each year. But the most miraculous is the capability of the code to reproduce itself and to put itself in the new acorns again!

Dear reader, can you even imagine what a simple acorn hides in itself? The same type of acorn that we go kicking on the paths in the fall time. Some people may dry them, grind them and make a coffee!

And if you think a while how you grew from an invisible cell yourself? Doesn’t that idea render you speechless? That is what it does with me at least.

Seeing miracles and miracles all around me on daily basis makes me humble and cheerful. It fills me with awe and admiration. Even when I am down, even when I am tired, even when I find myself in a desperate situation, even then I try to remember to connect and see the miracles.

At this point, I feel I have trained myself to a degree where it is difficult to understand how it was possible earlier not to see, not to feel, not to feel joy for the universal miracle of Life! But I continue to meet too many people for whom connecting, seeing, enjoying is a completely new idea!

Doing Things For The Sake Of … Doing

When I go for a run on the forest path, people think that I run for health. That is simply not true! I don’t run for health, for slimming, for a six pack or for any other reason. I run simply for the sake of running. While I run, I feel my feet in the interaction with the ground. I feel my breath and the wonderful smell of the forest in any season. It is highly enjoyable.

When I come home, I would take a shower, then a glass of wine. That gives me such a feel of … Paradise! The Life can be so great if only you … decide to live it!

When, together with my friends, we practice singing, we again do that exceptionally for the sake of the singing itself. We sing happily and cheerfully without earning anything, promoting anything… Only for the sake of singing we sing!

Since the moment when I picked up this attitude, I started feeling my health, my wellness gradually return to me and stay with me.

A Story That Gives A Clue

Well, I don’t think highly of the Bible. But if you read it critically and don’t think about its association with a certain religion, you can find some really useful things even there. So here I want to tell you what I once found in Job’s Book that helped me a lot.

There is a conversation between God and the devil. While God says good things about Job, the devil challenges the opinion saying: “Does Job love God for nothing?”

This phrase “for nothing” really struck me. What if that is the clue, the right answer to the World?

Why are we here? For nothing! Why do we do so many things that we are not paid for and have no obligation to do? Yes, for nothing!

One More Important Word Meaning The Same Thing

If you want to be together with somebody “for nothing”, “for no good reason”, don’t we call that LOVE? That way, when we say “for nothing”, “for no good reason”, we actually mean LOVE!

Indeed, LOVE does many things without a reason. We can walk many miles without being tired if we walk with Love. We can do all things if we do them with Love. We can feel great in this imperfect, harsh, unwelcoming World if we live with Love.

That is what I always, always, always try to remember – to live and enjoy the Life. Because, for some reason,ย  the Life is wonderful if you live it without seeking a reason. If you live the Life with Love, then true happiness is yours to enjoy!

Works for me. And I can’t see how it might not work for you. It will.

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